Sunny Borloz

Sunny Borloz, confidante and companion

By what portent did Sunny, after an apprenticeship as a designer-surveyor, gradually take on the task of looking after an elderly couple, and then just the wife, widowed after the death of her dear husband ?

Apart from managing three dwellings, my time is occupied with my very interesting « little lady ». I love to help people.

I go to her house mornings and afternoons, every day of the week, except for weekends and holidays when I go just once. Also, for two weeks a year I go to recharge my batteries at my father’s house in France. What bliss that is !

I look after her and I do the shopping, taking into account her wish to support the shops in the village. I pay her bills. I am her confidante and she thinks of me a little like a granddaughter. Even though, physically, she now no longer has an olympic figure, she’s fine intellectually for a lady of 90. Through me and the CMS (Centre Médico-Social, the home-care organisation), which provides toilet care, my little lady is able to live in her own house, in her environment and with her memories, and it’s from there that she would like to depart to join her husband.

What’s difficult, or even impossible, about what I do is to know exactly when I will need to find another occupation, or perhaps another person who would like me to be their confidante.

Sunny, when I’m older, I’ll look forward to your company !

079 725 24 55

Translation : Gordon Douglas