Philippe Fontana

Philippe F

Philippe Fontana, caretaker

Why do you like this career ?

Because, although being paid by the Commune of Ormonts-Dessus, I am completely independent in the organisation of my work.

Because you look after what ?

The maintenance of the Maison des Congrès, the «college», the English chapel and the Maison de Commune. My job allows me to meet some extremely interestisng people, and some others who are a little less interesting !

I started this job after the construction of the Maison des Congrès, with which I had already been involved when I worked for the firm which built it.

At first, I had to chase the organisers of events, to make sure people left the place as they found it ; but now, with regulars, it’s easier.

After thirty years of intense activity, it must be stated that, even though it may be necessary to change some outdated equipment, and even though some kitchen appliances may need updating, this Maison des Congrès is in a state of preservation that many of us can only envy.

079 679 45 19

Translation : Gordon Douglas